Q4 Final Art Project

vana mack
vana mack
For the fourth quarter, we were told to recreate something that our artist had done or created. I chose to do Frida Kahlo. I study Frida Kahlo and looked at all her paintings and her history. She is someone that people can look up to, she was in an accident and still proceeded to live her life even after she was depressed. She started her painting career while she always in bed. She would always paint of the reality that is occurring around her. I also choose her because we come from the same background and culture and it’s nice learning from someone who comes from where you come from. I got inspired to paint Frida Kahlo but just half of her face. I used bright colors too because I think she might have liked it. I painted the background orange and I painted some flowers on her head which are red and one yellow. I thought it would be nice to paint her instead of a portrait of myself because I believe I wouldn’t do a good job painting myself, so I painted her instead. The process for this painting wasn’t long. I just sketch it out and then I started to paint but when the paint was dried, I traced the whole thing with a black sharpie to close everything together. I also didn’t have much trouble with this, the only I problem I had was creating the skin tone color for her. I mixed colors and nothing was coming together so with tons of mixing I came to this brownish-grayish and I used it but overall I don’t think I would change anything about this painting. 
