Quarter 4 - PSA Benchmark - Teen Pregnancy

In our video, we discussed the topic of teen pregnancy. We wanted to inform others about why teen pregnancy is such a big issue as well as how it can be prevented and the resources available for those struggling with teen pregnancy. During this project, I was in charge of video production (i.e filming and editing). The role I played in the group I beleive was no greater or less than that of my groupmates. I think that we worked together well to try and find someone to intrview, however, I felt as though we could have added a little more info into our video. I think that the most meaningful part of creating our PSA for me was learning more about teen pregnancy. When I started I personally did not think much about the topic however having to take the time to research and learn I never know the impact that it made on our society politically. I think that during these times as well and becuase of the impact of the most recent presidential election that might have put a negative impact on the possible support there is going to be for those struggling with teen pregnancy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z4ZjS1_tueI
