Quarter 4 Benchmark:Aquaponics System

Link to manual: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Mqn4v3W9OgJ5os-Hqucb4CV9PQ53NHOKbA2Mo0SHAEo/edit Link to the magazine: https://drive.google.com/file/d/19k19veakCvOLD6ujx-ZoW6U1g8IQJ38J/view The Cycle of Matter poster: https://slabeeber.org/thumbnail/6396/1000x1000 Aquaponics system: https://slabeeber.org/thumbnail/6389/1920x1920 I was apart of the power,pipes, pumps group where we had to work on the system and the flow of how the aquapnonic works and the water flow which was very important. I leanred alot about it. But in order for it to work the fish must be happy, the plants must grow and etc. I loved my group and I had a great biochem year!
