Quarter 4 Benchmark: Motor Vehicle Injury

For our last benchmark in Anatomy and Physiology, my group members and I decided to talking motor vehicle injuries, and how it is a public health issue. I believe strongly in this topic as my mother drives for a living (she is a trolley operator under SEPTA) and she often tells me about accidents she's seen/been in and how recklessly some people drive in Philadelphia. 
For the checkpoints, all the work was shared equally, but when it came to complete the PSA, I was in charge of editing the video and making it informative and interesting. I believe that I achieved what my goal was for the PSA, but what I could of done better is communication with my group mates. We would often be left in the dark with each other and I know that I can take some blame in this.
I feel that the most meaningful part of the experience of creating the PSA is creating the message to send to our fellow peers of being careful. A lot of people our age are being hurt, and our country is a world leader, spending thousands of dollars because of motor vehicle injury. Getting this information out there and giving people a gentle reminder to be careful is the best thing.
