Quarter 4 Benchmark- Flower Pencil

1) Describe your project.

For this quarter, I decided to do something simple and pretty. My [project is just a flower pencil. Meaning that I took a pencil and made the top into a flower by using duck tape.

2) What did you learn while completing this project?

While doing this project, I learned a few things. One being that making a flower out of duct tape isn't as simple as I thought. I thought you would just have to fold every piece of duct tape and the flower would come out right. However, that wasn't the case. You have to fold every piece the same in order for the leafs to look like they came from the same plant. Another thing I learned was that making this would take longer than I thought. I waited until late to start this because I thought it would be quick, but in order for the flower to look neat it takes time pin evenly laying out the leafs.

3) What was the hardest part about completing this project?

The hardest part about completing this project would be two things. One being that I had to buy the tape then ran out, then had to buy more, then lost it, to buying it again. The other hardest thing was making the flower neat, and evenly portioned throughout the rows.

4) What was the most fun/exciting part?

The most fun thing about it was seeing the flower actually come alive, where people could tell it was a flower.

5) If you were to do this project over again, what would you do differently?

If I were to do this project differently, I would be sure to start earlier, having lots of tape, and portion my rows.

