Repaint the walls of SLAB

Screenshot 2016-05-20 at 11.37.21 AM
Screenshot 2016-05-20 at 11.37.21 AM
Screenshot 2016-05-20 at 11.01.13 AM
Screenshot 2016-05-20 at 11.01.13 AM
For this benchmark we decided to paint the walls on the second. Based on the testimonies of other students and stuf they agree as well, "The walls look bland." said by 10th grader Migdaila Ocasio. We chose two colors, Cheerful tangerine and wisteria blue, out of the colors students and staff did a survey on which colors they like. Based on the survey it was a tie between both so we decided to use both with an accent wall, Snow cloud white. Since we are unable to paint during the time of this project it will be done during the summer. For the mean time, we researched how the colors affect us and what we need to have. In the research we found that the color blue will give stimulation for creativity and a state of calm, relaxation. It increases communication, logic and efficiency. But, if it’s too much it can encourage the feelings of depression. And with the color of orange can cause emotions of hunger, warmth, security, and fun. It stimulates enthusiasm and increases oxygen to the brain that you energy and increases brain activity. But it is important to be cautious with the use of this color because it can also causes frustration and immaturity. As for the color white it can give a sense of clarity, purity, and hygiene but with the this color it can cause you to feel unfriendly.
The prices for the supplies:
Cheerful tangerine- $33.98 per gal.
Wisteria blue- $31.98 per gal.
Snow cloud white- $33.98 per gal.
By: Jade, Will, Hadja, Saraa, Muhktar, Abdoul, Santana, Safira, and Marieam
