Reproductive Health Care
The reason why I wanted to research reproductive health and create a PSA about it is because I feel that the topic is extremely overlooked by society. Reproductive health goes much deeper than just sex and pregnancies, it’s also about educating the adolescents. Our interviews played such a huge role in proving our point of teens not really understanding what reproductive health is, they just had a slight idea. And this is part of the issue that my group members and I want to bring to the light. If we want our teens and young adults to stay healthy, we have to teach them how to. The first way i helped contribute to my group was firstly by picking the topic. For about half of the first project day, we couldn’t decide on what to do. So we wanted to be different yet still be interesting and innovative. Other than helping creative the interview questions and the script, i think that I was the creative person providing many different ideas on how to present our PSA. Lastly, I would say that I was the motivation for my group members. I was the one who initiated our project work time during class and outside of class.
Something that we did well on was gaining knowledge on our topic and fully understanding the problems with reproductive health. Majority of our project work time all we did was research, research, and more research. This is because this topic is so broad so there are many things that fall into this category. So honestly we were just trying to take it all in. This happens to be a good thing and a bad thing because while we spent so many days researching, it took away from the days of us getting started on our scripts and interviews. So this is one thing I would do differently next time. The most meaningful part of this project for me would be not only educating myself on this topic but others. When I read about all the negative statistics staggered against African Americans, it truly upset me. However even though it upset me, it also gave me motivation to want to spread the word to my peers.
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