Samantha Green's Identity online
Samantha Green 11-4-15
My identity online is that they say i look mean . I can sing really good im pretty and I have a lot of followers . On social media i am known as Samantha Green or _0713__ those numbers represent my birthday .
Based off of this appearance I think some people may view me as not approachable because i look mean and it makes them not want to talk to me . I also think some people may believe that i'll be a singer when I grow up because I can sing .
What I consider before posting anything on line is thinking about how people may take in what I post . I don't consider anything else because it's my page I can post what I want as long as its not inappropriate and whoever doesn't like it can unfollow me .
The pro’s of sharing things online is that you get to see what other people may think is true or what they agree with .You also get to see the things that are popular today and you get to see the positive things that can make your day when you're feeling a certain way . The con’s of sharing things are that they could be negative or mean things that may offend people it could be bullying harassment or anything offensive to others .
Immediacy , lack Of Control and Permanence control our lives today because Immediacy gives you the urge to post something immediately as soon as you see it and then you can't delete it . Lack Of Control is in our lives today because you post something then people share and re tweet it and it can't be deleted because its on there page and you lose control because it’s in there possession. Permanence is in our lives today because it’s when something is online forever and you will never be able to delete it .
My thoughts on social media background checks is that I don't like it because i feel like my social media is what i do what my personal time its what i do when i'm home it has nothing to do with how I would act at work .
Free speech is the right to have your voice heard respectfully . What is protected is religion , the right to petition , to protest and what is not protected is liberal , slander , fighting words , and defamation .
An internet toll is a post or comment under someone's stuff to make them upset and disrupt their conversation .
The goals of the internet tolls are too offend others and disrupt their conversation disrespectfully .
We can stop the trolling by not responding and ignoring them because when you do that they disappear .
The pros of posting anonymously online is that no one will never know who you are unless you tell somebody and they snitch on you . The cons of posting anonymously is that you can get somebody in serious trouble , you could make them commit suicide based off the stuff you are posting .Top Three tips are …..
NEVER give anyone your password .
BE CAREFUL on what you share/post you will have a lack of control over it .
When you wanna have FREE SPEECH make sure you do it in a respectful way that won't offend anybody .
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