Shaelin Nixon-Mosee Capstone
During this entire capstone procedure, I experienced lots of ups and downs throughout the entire project. Believe it or not, my whole goal got turned around and created the birth of my newly found idea. The intention of my capstone was to create an annual event for the future of the SLAB community to be able to have fun and enjoy. I illustrated a 3 on 3 basketball tournament for the students to participate in. How the tournament worked was, the first 16 teams that had entered were selected to play. There were a series of rounds that led up to the final championship game. In each of the previous rounds there was a scoring goal of 11, first team to it wins. In the final game the scoring goal increased to 21 in order for each team to get as many opportunities possible. After the winners were announced, each team member earned a unique t-shirt as well as SLAB’s very own ‘Annual 3v3 Tournament Champions’ trophy.
The extremely diverted amount of people that participated in the tournament was what really seemed to amaze me the most. Some people I knew for almost all four years of my high school experience and never knew that had any ounce of passion in them for basketball. From this, I took it as an understatement. Just because someone doesn’t try out for the basketball team does not mean they have no love for it. I learned that some people may even have a nick for something that they’ve never tried before. So for that, I’d like to thank everyone who participated in my event and hope that you’ll be there to continue the tradition.
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