She is simple but she’s creative


Growing up you're introduce too many things. Whether it’s new people, new challenges, or new come ups. Walking into my room there’s nothing to be fascinated about. Unless you know me, and have met the creative me. The creative me wants design, has hopes, and sets goals. The simple me hides under boring and untouch topics. Knowing me, you know the creative part doesn’t come out unless you taken the time and effort to know the creative Savannah.

I’m not yet open. I’m not yet fully grown. “She is simple but she’s creative” because of how she addresses she’s on the low. Through the time of being in 8th grade I was introduced to many different people and in a different environment every day. I was never really notice and nobody really took the time out to know me and who I wanted to be. When not having nobody to talk to you always keep your ideas and thoughts to yourself.
