Sla Street art

My artwork is meant to be a PSA. I wanted to shine light on the issue of meme abuse in this world, especially in this day and age. I want to inform people of the help available to meme abusers. The inspiration for my work was my beloved friend named Priscilla. She was a meme addict and needed urgent help. I did some research and came across this ad. This hotlines saved her life. I chose to put this in this location because it is a very common area that a lot of people walk by. I want people to notice my art. This project showed me that immature jokes and pictures on the internet can be art. Street Art does not have to always have meaning, it can just be entertaining. This project made me appreciate the art on the streets more. Before this unit, I would have paid much attention to me rows in the city, now I pay more attention and questioned the author's perspective.
