Social Media Survival Guide
Online I am myself and I post pictures and post posts to show people me. Online I am appeared as an young women who is intelligent and is into social media.Online I am searched up people tend to find my twitter, instagram, weebly, my old school and even pictures of me on google.What I consider is that being mindful of what you post because anybody can see your stuff and than gain judgement on you. Some pros of sharing online is that you share your amazing life story with others and you meet new people from connections. Some cons of Sharing online is Judgments and opinions. Lack of Control, Permanence, and Immediacy have an impact on our life because once you put something out there you can’t take it back. My thoughts on Social media background checks by employers is that it’s dangerous and illegal because no one should be able to use your social networking against you. Free speech is when People can say what they want but it’s kind of limited because some stuff you just don’t say regardless if it’s your mouth or anything. When you are talking about someone in a badly way or bringing down someone else or using inappropriate things to communicate stuff that’s not freedom of speech. ANYTHING YOU PUT ON THE INTERNET is NOT PROTECTED. A internet troll is is basically a cyberbully who starts arguments and illegally bring people down and talk about them and harass them and stuff. There are some ways we may can stop trolling by PEOPLE GROWING up and doing dumb stuff like that on the internet. If you continuously pot on the internet that you may get blocked from it or maybe more people will see you and want to know more about you. 3 Tips for you All who are Using the Internet is ,Watch what you put on there You never know who sees it , BE POSITIVE , and have fun with sharing your life.
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