"Someone is Always Watching" Street Art

The meaning of the work I created is to show people that you're never really alone even if you think you are. What you say and what you do always seems to comes back to other people. mainly the ones you didn’t want to tell.

What inspired my work were the adults in my life. Every since I was little, I was always told not to talk about people behind their back. First of all, it is rude and also that person will almost l always find out.

The reason why I put my artwork on the corner of the hallway is because I it’s somewhat out of sight if you don’t look hard, but it’s always there. You wouldn’t think if you're talking about something or someone and someone walks by and over hears. They will and up telling other people. You never know when you are alone.

This project change my perception of Art by showing me that there is almost a deeper meaning of everything you see. I always thought when I saw street art or a little drawing someone made it was just because they were bored, but no. Something that is silly and meaningless you you can mean the world to whoever created it.

Now, when I walk around the city my perception of Art will change forever. First of all, I might spot art work easier then I did before. Also, I will appreciate it more. I will try to think why the artist created his or her work and what their background story is like. Think about the process they took to put there art up to show to the public eye.
