Spiders have fangs


The meaning for my art was originally was Spiders has fangs which means That spiders are very dangerous to other creatures. Also i like spiders so i wanted to do something themed on them.

A video I saw about spiders fighting certain insects. Made me think that spiders are dangerous and watch out for their fangs if you're a preying mantis or other things smaller then the spider you're fighting

I thought of the meaning and that I want people to watch or look at my art on a t.v. or on a computer where I saw the info

I always thought highly of art and science but my perspective hasn’t changed on the matter i can see now that most people like what they do and It looks cool even if it's illegal

It shows me that every piece of modern art i see has a meaning and a purpose and shows us that the art can come in many forms and they do not need to be big structures.

