Overpopulation is bad and there are too many people here on Earth demanding too much.


For our project we decided to focus on overpopulation and the causes it has on the world. Something that surprised me was how overpopulation is a big topic full of many little topics. There's over consumption, pollution, global warming, and many more. Because there are so many of us that means there more mouths to feed and water that is needed, which leads to the over consumption. Many people are not growing up to be farmers though, so the amount of resources we have are not equal to or greater than the number of people that need it. More people means more energy that needs to be used for things like heat and electricity which means more pollution. This pollution leads to the rapid increase of global warming. I wonder what will we do to fight against overpopulation. I think more education on parenthood and more programs to educate young people on sex is needed. We barely had a health class in this school and I doubt any other public schools in our area have a good health class. I think we need to put more time, energy, and money, into educating people about sex and sex control.
