I have chose to create this piece using limited painting because I really wanted to calmly paint. I feel like painting was the most soothing and the best fit for me, so I chose to do something along the lines of paint. My overall vision for this work was to have sort of like an ombre feel. I used two bright colors and then black because that color is bold and I feel like it really would have made each color stand out on its own. My work communicates calmness. My work does not look like it was too hard to make and you can see the brush lines as well so when I look at it I think of just sitting there and calmly moving my brush along the paper. I think the communication can still be interpreted differently. I achieved the image that I want which was to just have a painting with blended colors and to have a painting where I made colors only using certain colors. This work relates to my last work on the same level that my last work I used colors to really pop and catch the viewer’s eye sight immediately. Well the same applies here. This piece catches viewer’s eye because of the bold colors and how well they pop. Leo Gabin, for example in his Belgian pieces is the exact same method that came to mind in the midst of brainstorming. All of his pieces use bold and colors that pop which is very contemporary because now a days kids are using and wearing all types of bright colors because that is what is in style.
My process for this piece was to complete what I can each day in the given amount of class time we had. I started with the solid black color first since there was no mixing involved using that and then on to the solid yellow since there was no mixing as well. After that was complete was when I moved on to the background because the leftover space which is the background is where the mixing of colors came into place. I mixed the colors on a palette first and then applied it to the brush and then the canvas. There really was no inspirations behind doing this. I just thought of nature and kept going. I just wanted to capture a sunset look and apply a tree. I thought about adding flowers, but I did not think they would fit as nicely. As stated before my image just reflects the world because of the bright colors that are in trend today. I would say that the world and my life is not as peaceful and beautiful as my painting is. To explain that you would have to use a lot more darker colors. My work can impact the world as a goal or to send out a message to make the world calmer or more peaceful. My image can be a representation of somewhere tropical or paradise so, this can give people the inspiration to want to calm and settle down to be able to either view their own world this nicely or to be able to travel somewhere this nicely. Lastly, a really nice technique to use when painting with limited colors is to really make sure you mix your colors well and apply enough color that you needed. I realized sometimes that I would pick up more of a certain color because it was not all that blended. However, a new technique I learned would probably have to be with the background to start painting from top to bottom to capture the colors fading in better instead of corner to corner or section by section. This way the colors really could have been blended better and so you can really distinguish the difference between the different mixed colors.
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