Survival guide for online
Online i'm someone who doesn't entertain everything and keeps to myself. I believe i am perceive as pretty and antisocial because i don't entertain everything that's post or said. Before posting i consider would everyone agree with it and like the picture. The pros and cons of sharing online is that sometimes people won't agree with everything you post and that everyone thinks and feelings differently towards certain things.
Lack of control and Permanence and Immediacy have an impact on our online live because everything you post you don't have control of once its post. My thoughts on social background checks is that they aren't okay because if i do good in work then that shouldn't hurt because of my online presentation as long as i don't bring it to work. Also if i did something wrong in my pass online then my future should be hurting if i changed myself around.
Free of speech is when you can say what you want to a certain point. What is protected is the things that aren't post online. What isn't safe is the things that are posted. An internet troll is someone who hides behind the computer and/or someone else's page and says bad things about people to upset them. The goals of internet trolls are to hurt peoples feelings.
You can stop internet trolls by stepping up to them and blocking them. A troll may make another page then you report them and tell your friends too. The pros of posting anonymously is that you can make up things and fake someone else. The cons is you aren't yourself and can get caught and get in trouble.
3 Tips for online:
- Don't listen to what people say
- Don't worry or comment if it's going to start something
- Don't do something you wouldn't want done to you
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