Survival Guide To Social Media by: Zion Gonzalez
Social media is like the ocean, because in the beginning it seems harmless. Though deeper you go the darker and crazier it becomes. That is why everyone needs to have a way to
survive the Wild Web. I have some advice to do just that.
On social media I appear as Zion Gonzalez on Facebook and ZgAmINg18 on everything else. On Facebook I only accept those I have met in real life so I go by my real name so they know who I am. Although on everything else I appear as just a different name. I am very superstitious about who knows my name or not because of identity fraud. Other than that I post my actual face, and actual stuff because I feel like those are unimportant to anybody trying to steal my identity.
Another thing people should know when they post something is the repercussions. Suppose you post a pic of yourself at a party and you are flipping the bird. If you go to a job interview they will look at that and think you’re some type of crazy party person. Negative effects don’t just come from posting, they can also come from liking something too! Imagine you like a page’s post because it a comedic post, but the title of the page is something ignorant or inappropriate. Most people at an interview don’t have time to be looking through a whole page and they just go by the title. It may not be an inappropriate page, but a person just looking at the title may think it is.
Another thing is always keep some of your information to yourself. Nobody needs to know that you took a number two in a restaurant bathroom. No one cares that a cockroach came in your nasty apartment. Also don’t be a cyber-bully, making fun of somebody is wrong as it is, but doing it where anybody can see it is even worse. If you have something mean to say to somebody, KEEP IT TO YOURSELF! Eating a taco, burrito, do'nut, burger, spaghetti I don’t care keep it to yourself.
Lastly don’t text/post yourself inappropriately, because you’re just asking for problems. No good can come out of posting/texting your no-no touching private special area or areas if you’re a girl. The person that you trust the most can turn their back on you for a few likes. In conclusion, when it comes to social media stay away from the drama. Social media can be a blast when used properly and horrible if used incorrectly.
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