Survival Online

Beyonce Best


October 2, 2015

My Social Media Survival Guide?

  I am someone who gives free advertisement, I am someone who states there real name on social media, I am someone who speaks their  mind in the proper manner, I am someone who loves taking pictures. I appear as a respectful person.

 When people search my name Beyonce Best the first thing that popped up was Beyonce Carter’s song “best thing I ever had”. So no one would even know me.

 I would be careful on what I post and think a head of time for example would I get hired or would a college except me for this picture.

  A pros that people can receive things faster, A con is that someone can post something offensive you can lose your job you can’t have freedom.

Free speech is being able to express yourself however you want. If your being respectful and keeping what you post pg you will get support however if its violent, negative you will get no support maybe even reported.

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