Taneeja's Q1 Portrait Project

I created my artwork to portray the idea of connection and family. I love my family and we are so huge. My grandma had six children which started it all. She had four boys and two girls. Later on, my grandpa had four more boys which made ten children. This made two girls and eight boys. Which gets me to the idea of my artwork. Since I have a lot of uncles and all of them are very talented I wanted to bring them to light.

By looking at my drawing you can see different activities and jobs, while it still being colorful, vibrant and meaningful. You can see the reasons why they should be shouted out. In my drawing I put a bus because one of my uncles drive the bus for Septa, another is an artist, loves to sing and listen to music, one is a personal trainer, and another is in the NFL and plays for the Cleveland Browns. I chose to put their talents as a symbol of them and their worth. They all supported me since the day I was born and I wanted to show them that I appreciate them and everything they did and still do for me. The tools I used were pencils, color pencils, and pen. I used the pencils to draw out my portrait, then I took the black color pencil and traced the outline of my drawing. After I outlined everything I started using color, then I used the pen for the writing on my shirt since it was smaller lines. Lastly, I used a yellow color pencil to create a faded look across myself so everyone can see the main point. This relates to previous work because every time I do work I do it with a passion and I wouldn’t have this passion  without the love of my family (uncles). The artist that inspired my work is Oskar Kokoschka https://alchetron.com/Oskar-Kokoschka-1270399-W. Certain techniques are important because as I started to color my body in yellow to bring it out, I notice that the technique of fading made it look neater. The technique| of neatness and accurate measurements are always good skills.
