Your life is own the line!
Nyla Harrell
West Stream
Due: November 4,2016
This whole quarter we learn about how to only use the Internet positively because if you post something that you will regret it may affect your life drastically. So think before you post anything. Here is a prime example. This girl named Audrie who is 15 years old suffered cyberbullying with the teenagers she knew. It all happened the month of September in 2012. Audrie was drinking underage and was drinking so much she fell unconscious. Her friends she was with ended up raping her and taking pictures of her. The the teenagers all went to the same school which was Saratoga High School. After taking all the pictures of the girl getting raped and unconscious they ended up posting it on the Internet. Eight days after the situation Audrie went through hell because she had mental and physical fear. She ended up killing herself to escape the damage and harm being continued on her mentally and physically. Audrie never told her parents. And now the teenagers are charged for Audrie’s death but it won’t bring her back but justice needs to be serve. In this situation the permanency is that she is dead and someone can probably look up the pictures the teenagers took of Audrie. The lack of control is that first Audrie was drinking so much that she fell unconscious and she was underage drinking and when the teenagers rapid her and took pictures they knew it was wrong but they thought it was a joke until she ended up killing herself. The immediacy is that once she was raped the three boys instantly posted the pictures online where everyone can see it. But when they went to court the judge used the pictures as evidence against them. The three boys never have been in serious serious trouble where they are dealing with the law but they ended up in the juvenile hall. After Audrie hung herself she was admitted to the hospital on life support but didn't end up surviving. Now the three boys that did all this has to deal with this the rest of their lives and have to sleep everyday with this extreme situation on their mind. And Audrie family has to deal with this everyday that a family member has died and they could not help her with this situation.
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