" The Beginning Stages"

Starting a clothing line can be an exciting and fulfilling endeavor, but it is also a challenging and potentially risky venture. Before diving into the process of launching a clothing line, it is important to carefully consider and plan for various aspects of the business, including the target market, design aesthetic, production and distribution, and financial management. With careful planning and a strong commitment to hard work, it is possible to turn a passion for fashion into a successful and sustainable clothing line.

I wanted to support young business owners in their efforts to launch a clothing line with my Capstone Project. As the quarters passed, I was able to create various things that add to what someone else could accomplish given the same amount of time. I compiled a list of various wholesalers and designers where you might purchase shirts and design’s from. Everything I’ve done has been for the purpose of developing my brand, and to help anyone just starting out could do it on their own with enough time and resources. I noticed that many more people started something of their own and can develop something that will follow them for the rest of their lives if they work with their brands, I believe my work has significantly influenced Science Leadership Academy Beeber in particular for students.

Posting Stickers Up Around Philly
Posting Stickers Up Around Philly
