The Impacts of Lead

In my video, I talked about the impacts of lead poisoning on children because they are the most vulnerable to it and also the impact lead has on the environment. I talked about the serious health consequences lead poisoning has on children because they're still developing. I then talked about how the environment is also affected by lead when lead gets into soil or water. I also talked about solutions to combat the impacts of lead on people and the environment. I chose this topic because I'm interested in public health and is an issue that not only greatly impacts the environment but it seriously impacts children. It's an issue that needs more action and awareness from the statistics I've seen about the number of cases of lead poisoning every year. Something I did well was tackle the impact lead poisoning has on children and how it happens but I could've talked about adult lead poisoning though too. I also think I did a good job with doing research but I feel like I could've included more if I were to make it longer and get more in-depth. For me, the most meaningful part of the experience of making this PSA was getting to make a PSA about something I'm passionate about learning about.

Sources: Environmental Protection Agency. (n.d.). Basic Information about Lead Air Pollution. Retrieved May 20, 2021, from Lakhani, N. (2020, February 26). ‘It was everywhere’: how lead is poisoning America’s poorest children. Retrieved May 17, 2021, from Mayo Clinic. (2019, December 20). Lead Poisoning. Retrieved May 17, 2021, from

Stock video credits: Image used under license from and Video by Kelly Lacy from Pexels
