The Nervous System: Worm, Frog, Cat, and Human
How has the system changed over time? Why? Overall analysis. What did you learn? What questions do you have? Etc.
The nervous system of a worm is different from the nervous system of the other three animals. The worm does not have 4 lobes like the other animals do, for the worm is just a simple animal. The earliest ancestor of a worm, that had a nervous system, is the Urbilateria. The worm has descended from an organism called Urbilateria. Urbilateria has since died so scientist studied a “living fossil” which is the Platynereis dumerilii. This organism lives in the same environment and has the same features as the Urbilateria. Scientist studied the regions of embryos that gave rise to the central nervous system. They found that vertebrates must have inherited the organisation of the nervous system from the Urbilateria. This means that the worm, and most other vertebrates, have the same nervous system setup. For the other three animals, the nervous systems has not changed much. The spine, the brain, and the nerves still make up the nervous system. The brain and the spinal cord are connected to each other and relay information to one another.
From this project, I have learned more about the nervous system and the brain. I did not know about the different parts of the brain and what they did. I am happy I did this project and learned more about the anatomy of the human. I still wonder more about the brain of a cat and a frog and how they work.
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