Timothy Karhnak-Glasby | Natural Disasters

Essential Questions: 1) Earth Systems affect each other by cycling matter and energy between themselves, feeding interactions and reactions on a micro and macro scale. Said interactions and reactions impact the Systems in their own ways and can create cascading effects that in turn cause more reactions. 2) An understanding of environmental sciences can aid in handling natural disasters because it allows us to predict how interactions and reactions will take place and how natural disasters can cause more interactions and reactions. This includes how to prevent natural disasters from causing a cascade effect that in turn can cause more natural disasters. 3) In order to create a sustainable future we need to clamp down on the burning of fossil fuels and other such things that cause climate change because climate change is causing changes in how the earth’s systems interact, making it harder to predict how natural disasters and other interactions will play out, often resulting in more damage both from a lack of proper preparation and because the disasters are just getting worse.

I’m not exactly surprised by my findings, I was already aware of most of this information because I looked into wildfires over the summer after seeing a bunch of memes about how California is always on fire. As for the project itself I’m ambivalent, I don’t particularly like the project but I don’t dislike it either, its just something I have to get done, and that’s the extent of my feelings about it.

Wildfires Infographic (2)
Wildfires Infographic (2)
