Tips For Teenagers!

Tips for Teenagers

By: Amani, Darian, Daina, Ivana, Amna.

Based on the I-Search papers that we completed on teenage development, here are some tips for teenagers to help them be happier and to help them develop in positive ways.

  1. A tip I can give would be that teens or children never should blame themselves for their parents divorce.  

  2. A tip I can give is think about your behaviour before you complain about you parents’ choices of disciplining.

  3. A tip I could give to a child or teenager It’s best to listen to your mother and father because they can lead and guide you to a better understanding of the world point of view because their is many people today that don’t understand how the world really works and they are still trying to find out at the old age which could be a problem for them and others that would need help from them.

  4. tA helpful tip is, stay away from drugs and alcohol no matter who around you does it.

  5. A tip I would give to teens is that you don’t have to shroud your true potential to fulfill the stereotypes of that in which the world has broadcasted on television. You can be better than the stereotypes and propaganda that adults and society has created for you.
