I am taken away with the details of the cover. I didn't even think about looking at the rest of the zine due to the statement quality of the cover. This is truly remarkable.
I love the design for each slide. Your format and creativity is outstanding. The first page of you guys drawing really tells a story to me, it's like without the title I would still be able to tell what the image is about. I love that your group paces yourself and took time to complete this, because it really shows in ya'll work. Great job!
Dear Talan Keys :
I am pleased with your poem, “Washed Away” because I like the figurative language in it and the imagery and comparisons used
One part of your poem that stands out for me is where it talks about how white and black skin go about getting their care I think this is interesting because of how it addresses the racism within this.
Another part that I liked is how the drawing connected back to the imagery of the poem. This stood out for me because it shows feet on sand after the last lines of the poem describe a beach
Thanks for your poem/drawing. I look forward to seeing what you make next, because I enjoyed the figurative language in the poem and the powerful comparisons
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