Tower Garden Photo Journal
While working on this project I didn't know what to expect. I had no clue how to garden, or even the many methods of gardening there are I thought it would be simple. But planting, and caring for a seed requires a lot of work more than I expected. Planting the seeds probably had to be the funniest part of this project. Even though  My seed hasn't shown no signs of life yet, but hopefully  it will grow soon.  My group mates, and classmates their plants have sprouted all over the place. So I think it's cool that not everybody is planting the same seeds,and that there is some variety. I can't wait to see the plants when they've grown even more. I think the tower garden itself is pretty cool too, because this is something we came together as a class to do that will not only affect us but our community, and environment as well. I hope we can continue this project, and expand even more why stop here. This is how we affect our environment in a positive way. Fresh vegetables, and foods  can lead to a  happy healthier life,and stop the issue of food insecurity. This helps me understand the actions we can take to make the world a better place, the earth is 
