Tower Gardens Photojournal

What factors affected your garden? What conclusions can you draw based on your observations?
The factor that affected my garden is that the less of an sun or too much of an water on two of my plant that are not grow any sign of roots or anything or it could be bad seed that we planted. The conclusions that I can inference in that When I was researching about tower garden, I noticed that they said growing in a medium rock-wool, which could provides plants with oxygen and consistent moisture, encouraging rapid, healthy growth. I noticed that when we plant the seed last week, we plant the seed in wet rock-wool and then we had to add extra water to the side, having extra water will it affect the the roots of the plants?
 Question: Which procedure is healthier, planting seeds on the outside garden or planting seed in tower garden?
The tower garden is healthy environmental production food sever because you can grow your own food in the house if you don't have enough space in garden or you don't want to get messy outside, It's good for people who are not able to make change in outside, they could use tower garden at home to produce healthy food. My understanding of Earth as a system is that we have a "Photosynthesis" is the process by which plants, some bacteria, and some protistans use the energy from sunlight to produce sugar, which cellular respiration converts into ATP, the "fuel" used by all living things.
Tower Gardens Photojournal
