Tsunamis: natural disasters

1. How do the earth systems affect each other? They affect each other by either supporting each other or having other things flow through them. For example, the biosphere, hydrosphere, and geosphere are all affected by forest fires. Forest fires destroy living plants, release carbon dioxide into the air, and change soil. An example of support is photosynthesis. The atmosphere carries the clouds, the hydrosphere is the reason for water being in those clouds, and the biosphere gets water in order to grow plants. 2. How can an understanding of environmental science aid in handling natural disasters? Understanding environmental science can help because people would be more well-informed, would know why a disaster is happening, and would know what to do when/if one occurs. 3. What efforts can we make to create a sustainable future? Definitely recycle and encourage others to do so. Going on strike for the climate could maybe work but recycling is a more direct defense against climate change. My reactions to researching this topic were pretty predictable. I knew how dangerous tsunamis were and I wanted to portray that in both of the visuals.

