People today alter our environment by smoking and using lots of fossil fuels destroying trees which are the animals habitats, and w continue altering them by carelessly using energy. Sustainability is to see how far we can go or continue at the same rate or level. When looking at the ecological footprint for us I believe continuing on the way we are now is a huge problem because the increase of fossil fuels used, animals going extinct because we endanger them, destroying the trees when they are most resourceful, which are very bad events we should not go on with. Each system is described as the earth, the water, the life(bio), and the air (atmosphere). Various forms of energy are kinetic which is energy that moves, potential energy is when something is in place or poised until it is changed, chemical energy which is used when we eat, gravitational energy which is also known as the earths gravity. Ecological systems depend on many of these energies because of the basic but enormous roles they play like creating more land or recycling what we can't and etc., Scientist use the many tools and research they gathered in order to provide for the complex systems, and finally natural systems change over time and space when others affect most of the surround things like the environment and such
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