Tsunamis Environmental Science

My reaction on my findings is that they were really interesting. It was interesting because I got to find out how tsunamis affect the different earth spheres in different ways. I also learned things about how to survive during a tsunami, cause I didn’t know beforehand if you want to survive a tsunami you got to get to the top of your house. The other thing I learned about during my research is how tsunamis affect the ground in a devastating way and it is really interesting. The other thing that I learned that was really interesting was how tsunamis happened because beforehand, I thought it was just a giant wave but no its way more complicated than that and it's interesting finding out what things have to go on to make a tsunami occur the way it does. 1. How do the earth systems affect each other? Earth systems affect each other because they both give different things to each other. An example would be how the hydrosphere helps out the biosphere because it provides water to the things living in the biosphere. 2. How can an understanding of environmental science aid in handling natural disasters? It can help aid in natural disasters cause if we understand the environment more we can help out with these natural disasters and make sure we are prepared for them. It can also help us figure out how these natural disasters are happening and how we can stop them from happening if there is any way at all. 3. What efforts can we make to create a sustainable future? We can make the effort to learn more about environmental science we can also take the step to learn more about how natural disasters affect the world and the people around it. We can also learn about what we can do to protect the environment. Pictures

