Ty-kira Q3 benchmark reflection

1. Both ecosystems and human societies benefit from biodiversity and natural resources, which offer basic services like clean air, water, and climate regulation. 2. Deforestation, overuse of resources, pollution, and climate change are just a few examples of how human activity has drastically changed Earth's natural processes, resulting in habitat degradation, biodiversity loss, and other environmental issues. 3. To live more sustainably, people can support conservation efforts and projects, embrace sustainable practices in agriculture and energy production, minimize waste and pollution, encourage the use of renewable energy sources, and protect natural ecosystems. 1. Through the project's practical insights into environmental concerns and the significance of striking a balance between economic development and environmental protection, I gained a better grasp of sustainability. 2. What startled me the most was how dependent the sector is on natural resources and how that affects the environment. It emphasized the necessity of sustainable methods to reduce environmental damage while addressing societal demands. 3. I researched sustainability programs, analyzed data, and worked with team members to generate recommendations as part of my contribution to our group effort. I was pleased with the thorough approach we took on our project and our successful integration of social, economic, and environmental factors.

