Tykeiah Martin's Final Art Project "No Time"


Tykeiah martin

Ms. Hertz


Q4 Artist Statement

May 21. 2018

Incorporated in my work there is a clock, made from the sun and the sec and min hands are being run by the clouds, as the day us passing. Lying by an orange sunset, which I thought would set the tone for the picture and keep the photo coordinated with one another. At the bottom of the picture, there is a young lady, who hair blows in the wind creating the phrase “no time” as she panics while time vanishes as she runs on top of the green grass. O’s fall from the cloud into the phrase no time to emphasize the day or her life is passing by and she has to move fast. The tools I used to create this art was a canvas, canvas painting, using the colors orange, yellow, black, pink, green red, blue. To create the vibrant color in the photo. I think this work represents work I did in the past because my work always wraps around me and a lot of thoughts I may keep private that are spontaneous that truly reveals me. The steps to creating this process were, first to start then continue completing my work, halfway finished and completed next to work on my final touches. Salvidor Dali, because we seem to express our thoughts in an expressive way, creating https://www.google.com/search?q=salvador+dali&rlz=1CADEAA_enUS762US762&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjW5dvf3ZbbAhXIr1QKHeaUADgQ_AUICigB&biw=1366&bih=654#imgrc=BgYWfMc85EsyDM

A certain technique is always important because its what make the photo, the right stroke with a paintbrush can create something you’d never imagined. A new technique I have learned is between t and look for the right brush. I'm most proud of how I turned out to look just how I imagined it in my head and now it's out on something physical. If I could change one thing it would be pace, time. I've learned that the meaning of art is what you create because we're all different so don't be afraid to show off your colors. I've learned that the meaning of art is what you create, because we're all different so don't be afraid to show off your colors.
