What I wish I knew before High School!?
For my Capstone, I did workshops at my old school with one of my closest friends that I grew up with Vaughn Matthews who attend Center City campus, A. B. Day Elementary School is where I first met him. Realizing now that I'm a senior I often think, "What if I knew some of the things I do now before entering school?" I believe that just somethings would be better and could avoid unnecessary problems, that is what inspired me to work with kids in the 6th, 7th, and 8th grade my definition of collaboration. In the process of completing my capstone, It included weeks of research, planning, and communication. I did research on the learning styles of each grade group. I also researched what things they were interested in, so I knew what topic I would do for each workshop, and ideas for icebreakers to do before the workshop. With planning, in my calendar, I marked the topics of each workshop in each day, and the class room number that I would visit. I did workshops like high school expectations for 8th graders, and music for 6th graders. Communication was a thing that was a challenge with my capstone. The principal and vice principal of A. B. Day were very busy, and they had trouble replying back to my emails about what days I would go in.
Overall, I had fun doing my capstone. One thing that I learned is how to handle kids that misbehave. One of the 8th grade classes that I visited, was full of kids that were really bad, and I was able to do calm them down and get them to talk. It seem like the deeper I got into the lesson the more kids became involved, especially when I took the time to share new experiences and stories. I believe Here are some pictures of the high school expectations workshop with the 8th graders.
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