Ali Khalil, Capstone
As a kid growing up, my dad used to take me and my brother along with him to help work on the jobs he ran. Most of these jobs usually dealt with carpentry, electrical work, and architectural design of things. After a while I started to like working and building things with my hands. This is the reason I chose to build something for my senior capstone. My senior capstone is an art cabinet. I decided to build this for my capstone because I never designed, and built something fully on my own. I felt as though this gave me freedom because I didn’t have to ask anyone what to do or how should it look. My senior capstone might sound easy to some people but this is extremely false. My project took approximately 3 months to build. The reason being is because every measurement had to be correct in order for all the different pieces of wood to fit together perfectly. If the measurements was not correct then the integrity of the cabinet would be slightly off. Finally, once everything was well thought out and put together I sanded the wood and placed a fine wood coating on top. The shelves on this cabinet can be moved around to accommodate the appropriate artwork sizes. Overall, it took time, concentration, and patience to create such a good looking completed product. This is an huge accomplishment for myself.
I use this website to see the proper ways to cut the different pieces of wood. This website goes into detail about standard cabinet shelves, the size cabinets should be to accommodate the different weight and etc. Also it gave me ideas on how I should actually keep the wood together, either with wood glue or screws. Since my cabinet was so big I decided to do both.
This website is a website that gives me some basic drilling techniques. It is obvious that this can be very helpful for a person like me who does not have much experience at all when it comes to actually building or using this equipment. I find it very important to have done this research before beginning the project because this material is not cheap and will not be easy to replace if things are done wrong. So, the use of the tools for the proper way is very iMportant here.
This website mostly gave me tips on sanding, wood staining. The tips included that even though with a table saw the pieces of wood can sometimes not be perfect, so the best way to make them most likely the same is to sand them all at the same time. It also was saying that the best way to stain a cabinet was to leave the back off because it is easier to paint an get into all the cracks so that the paint would be as even as possible.
This article I used as another source for sanding. This article is very brief it tells you the best type of sander to use so that the stain could stick to the wood as best as possible. Also it tells you that you should sand in the direction of the wood grain for best results.
This article was useful because it gives you different ideas for cabinets. It shows you a plethora of cabinets and the category that they should be in. This is helpful because When building my project I wanted it to be sturdy and easily movable.
Even though I did not build a base cabinet this website showed me the tools that I would most likely be needing to built My art Cabinet. Some of these tools include a table saw, jig saw, different grains of sanders, clamps. Also it included the best ways I should clamp the wood down and screw another piece to it.