Who I am online
Donald Rodgers
When I’m online people usually see me as Donald, or Donnie (nickname) Rodgers I usually would put my nickname Donnie because my dad has the same first name as me, so I stick with Donnie Rodgers . Online I appear as a regular boy who goes to high school, and hangs with his family all the time and enjoys doing it. They are aware of me because of the pictures, and sometimes comments recently post online. Some things I consider before I post anything would be if someone would be amazed or if they might just like it because of the way it looked. Pros are that you might get a bunch of comments and likes on your posts and maybe a lot of followers. Cons would be letting other see posts you don’t want them to see. Lack of control might be posting an embarrassing picture by accident, permanence would be if that post was never able to be removed and immediacy would be trying to stop that post from uploading as fast as you could. I wouldn’t want to go work for a company that would look at my social media background because there might be somethings they won’t like and then they won’t give me a chance to show what I could do for them. Free speech is the ability to say anything you want to without being criticized. My chance to speak and say anything I want is protected. If whatever you say is offensive it will protect that person’s feeling from being hurt. A Internet troll is someone who talks about people online. It’s like bullying but your bullying online. Goals of the internet troll is to hurt and belittle others feelings and sometimes enjoy it for fun. We can stop it by stopping bullying because the people might just bring their bullying online. The pros is no one knows who posted it and the cons are you might get reported or caught. Three tips are be careful what you say, avoid bullying, and don’t judge others with mean opinions.
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