Aaliyah Cooper Public Feed
Tower Gardens Photojournal
Aaliyah Cooper
Environmental Science
Rockwall Plants:
Marketmore Cucumbers
Cherry Tomatoes
Sweet Basil
Day one
In our beginning stage we had a lot of trouble with our plants beginning to grow we thought that we would have to start over and replant because none of them were sprouting.
Day two
Prediction:I think that the tomatoes will sprout first (Which they were the first to sprout).-We labeled the three plants, peppers, tomatoes, basil and cucumbers. And then carefully set them under the light and into their water beds so they can start the growing process.
Day three
-We also checked the progress of our plants the tomatoes were beginning to sprout I can predict that the basil will be the next plant to sprout next because you can start to see somewhat of a difference in the rockwall.
Day four
-The only two which have started growing is the tomatos and the basil the other two haven't started yet and have had zero progress at all.
Day 5
-We have not yet transferred any of our plants to the tower garden yet
The factors that affected our garden was the amount of seeds we put in the water and light that it was receiving and if we were careful when planting them. The conclusions that I can you draw based on my observations is that o plant grows exactly the same and just because it starts off slower doesn't mean it isn't gonna start blooming,
The Tower Garden connects to my understanding of the Environmental Science course and my overall understanding of the Earth as a system is that plants are a great way to represent studing the environment physical, biological information and practicing oberservation and patience.It helps us understand the earth systems because we get to study the earth based nutrients tahts involved and growing something and see how much effort and time is put into studing this.Environmental Science Pollution Project
Instructional Video On How To Build A Blog
The Process and the learning that achieved through the creation of the video was that even when informing people on how to make something you have to make sure the video is appealing and can catch the viewers eye. Another thing you have to work about is speech everybody does not understand what everybody says when they speak that is why it is important to have sub tittles. People do not want a long boring video of somebody talking for 3 to 5 minutes if the video is going to be that long at least at things so the video will seem like its moving quick and they do not skip your video and go to another one. I think my topic, ¨Eight easy steps to building a blog¨"worked out very well being as though I did not give a lot of facts. I figured let me just point out the key features to building a blog.
My ideas are simple and easy for everyone to understand. The video is not complex and it gets straight to the point. The start of my video is just to pull the readers attention in before the boring information starts to come along. So all in all if you follow my steps I think that you would be happy with the blog you come out with. All you have to do is click or copy and paste my youtube link into you search engine and like or comment on the video to let me know if it was helpful. Thanks for watching my eight easy tips to building a blog I hope that answered many of your questions.
"Fresh Air Project" By: Aaliyah Cooper
Primary Election Experience
Spanish 2 Projects
Fecha de vencimiento: el 4 de marzo Hora de vencimiento: a la una en punto de la tarde |
Nombre: Aaliyah Cooper Clase: A
El/La Poeta: Pablo Neruda
Escribe (mínimo) ocho oraciones completas en español sobre el/la poeta: Por ejemplo; su vida personal o profesional, su éxito...
Ricardo Eliecer Neftalí Reyes Basoalto cambio el nombre a Pablo Neruda.Él ganó el Premio Nobel para literatura en mil novecientos setenta uno.Neruda fue nació doce of julio mil novecientos cuatro Parral,Chile. Él más tarde morirse veintitrés de septiembre en Santiago,Chile. Él fue casado a Matilde Urrutia mil novecientos sesenta seis a mil novecientos setenta tres. Él ganó un mucho de primo.Aparte un poeta él además obra en cine.Alguno de el cine eres Fulgor y muerte de Joaquín, mañana, y Romeo y Julieta.
Escribe (mínimo) ocho oraciones completas en español sobre tu vida personal o académica, tu éxito...
Mi nombre es Aaliyah Monique Cooper. Nací el dieciocho de diciembre mil novecientos noventa ocho . Cuando sea mayor mi ocupación será periodismo o edición revista. Yo soy una joven, decidido, y motivado persona. Todo ese yo soy es mostré a través de mi caligrafía. Mi caligrafías es mi voz. Yo admiro el gente que incentivo otros. Eso creo que la vida se basa en inspiración.
Incluye un poema escrito de la/el poeta en español:
Anhelo Su Boca, Su Voz, Su Pelo Anhelo su boca, su voz, su pelo. Silencioso y muerto de hambre, rondo a traves de las calles. El pan no me alimenta, amanecer me interrumpe, yo busca todo el dia para la medida líquida de sus pasos. Tengo hambre de su risa lisa, sus manos el color de una cosecha salvaje, hambre para las piedras palidas de sus unas, yo deseo comer su piel como una almendra entera. Deseo comer el rayo de sol que senala por medio de luces en su cuerpo encantador, la nariz soberana de su cara arrogante, yo deseo comer la cortina efímera de sus latigazos, y establezco el paso alrededor de hambriento, oliendo el crepúsculo, caza para usted, para su corazón caliente, como un puma en los barrens de Quitratue. |
Escribe (mínimo) ocho oraciones completas en español del poema. ¿Cuales son tus reflexiones del poema? Los temas?
El tema del poema es de anhelo. Lo que quiere, lo que te gustan, ¿Cuál es tu adicción. Es como algo que no se puede obtener. Algo o alguien que realmente necesita. Y cuando no lo tienes, es como si algo se está tomando. Eso le hace sentirse ansioso y la adrenalina empieza a correr. Su antojo y no puedes parar el gusto. Algo que hace la boca agua , a continuación, eso es más un deseo es algo que necesita.
Escribe tu versión del poema en español. Necesita (mínimo) diez oraciones completas en español. (Necesita el título en español)
`página Uno
Un dia, Rico desperte y se siente enfermo. Por la mañana, él coge el transpor
te escolar a su escuela.
Rico va a la escuela con mucho de sus amigos. “Mi estómago me dolo y mi cabeza lastimada” dijo Rico a su madre.
página Dos
Rico pide a su mamá a quedarse en la casa.
“Sí”, dijo su madre, Maria. Rico’s madre pregunta lo “¿que mal?”. Yo estoy enfermo, respondió Rico. Tu puedes quedarse en la casa y bebe tea de calor. Yo voluntad agarra tu temperatura.
página Tres
Rico deció “Me sentó muy enfermo.” Su hermana intentó quedarse (en) casa, Rico no es querido. Él reclama a su madre eso él no es falla escuela. Él quería a ir.
página Cuatro
Cosas a la escuela, Rico cayó dormido. A la escuela, él tiene los dolor de estómago. La maestra ver Rico no es ver Rico está muy enfermo. “¿Qué pasa Rico?” Mrs. Rodriguez dice. “Yo siente muy enfermo”, dije Rico.
página Cinco
“Yo tengo un dolor de estómago. Yo Sentó muy enfermo hoy.” El Sra. dice a Ricco, necesidad de ir a casa parece que están muy enfermos.”
página seis
Sra. Rodriguez dijo “Tu nécestaste a ir maison. Una vez más, no se queja Rico, grita, “No quiero ir a casa, me pueden pasar el día en la escuela.” Los profesores le dice “bueno si no vas Inició poner por lo menos ir en la oficina de la enfermera.”
página Siete
En su camino a la oficina de la enfermera Ricco se detiene porque la cabeza comienza sufriendo cada vez más. Rico llegó y se recibió por enfermera Rachel.
“Hola enfermera Rachel.” Rico dije.
“Que pasa?” Enfermera Rachel dije.
página ocho
“No muy bien.” Rico dije “Mi estómago doler. Yo fue no muy bien.”
“Dejó me agarra tu temperatura.” Enfermera Rachel dije. “Tu ciento uno grados. Tu activo casa.”
página nueve
Rico’s madre agarra su casa. Después, ella agarró a la doctoras.
“No me gusta la doctoras. Ellos asusta me.” Rico dijo.
“Nosotros somos normal. Tú mira muy mal y enferma.”
página diez
Antes la doctoras, Rico cambió él ropas. Él puso en los tenis gris, una camisa rojo, jeans azul, y los gorro negro. Él odia la doctoras, pero él necesita a ir.
página Once
Ahora, ellos son a oficina de doctora.
La doctora dice “Agarra de ropas”
Rico está ahora en una bata y ropa interior. Él están fresco.
página Doce
La doctora pasó un verifica levantado. Rico obtuvo medicina y ir casa.
“Esto debe hacer tú sentir mejor” Dijo Rico’s madre.
página Trece
Su actualmente mañana. Rico siente un poco mejor.
“Hace tú querer a ir la escuela?” Dijo Rico’s padre
“Si, yo tengo dolor de cabeza y estómago. Yo aún quiero a ir.” Rico dijo.
“Está bien.” Dijo Rico’s padre.
página Catorce
Rico llega a la escuela. Todos preguntaron si está bien.
“No muy bien. Yo enfermo y cansado.” Rico dice.
Rico explicó qué pasar. Él dijo él se vistió para el invierno no el verano.
página Quince
“Yo siento guste yo estar en fuego. Nunca de nuevo. Estar enfermo están terrible. Quedarse saludable.” Rico dijo.
página Dieciseis
“Todos sentarse.” Dijo Sra. Rodriguez. “En salud, nosotros hablamos como nuestro cuerpos. Qué eres alguno?”
Rico levantó él mano y hablas “Brazos, manos, piernas, cabeza, pie, dedo, y nariz.”
“Eso es suficiente.” La maestra dice.
página Deciseite
“Qué somos alguno ropa nosotros tenemos en aquellos cuerpos pieza?” Sra. dijo.
Jose dice “Camisas, pantalones, zapatos, gorros, y pantalones cortos.”
“Muy bien. Mañana llevan en cuerpos de todo estación guitar gorros, pantalones cortos. pantalones, camisas, y zapatos.” Sra. Rodriguez dice.
página Dieciocho
Rico siente muy mejor más tarde. Él obtenido porque de él cuerpo. Ahora, él conoce a observa que el tener. Él siente mucho más mejor.
página Diecinueve
Cuándo Rico obtenido hogar, él madre está allí.
“Qué pasa?” Ricos madre dice
“Muy bien.” Rico dijo.
página Veinte
Rico entendido much ayer.tienen invierno cuerpo en el verano. Tu puede obtener enfermo. Rico siente mucho mejor que ayer.
Day and Life Of Aaliyah Cooper
”My Time During the civil Rights Movement”
Research: My research was based off of my interviewee response that today the world is still some what segregated. Research shows that other people think the world is still segregated today to it just not a visible or as direct as it was back then. People feel like segregation should not determine our future but all this change that we worked for in the past segregation still became our future people just found a “legal way to get around it.
Sources: http://www.theatlantic.com/features/archive/2014/04/segregation-now/359813/
Date: May 16th, 2014 | |
Interviewee: Calvin William Cooper | |
Interviewee occupation: veteran | |
Interviewee DOB: August 30,1951 | |
Interviewee ethnicity: African American | |
Interviewer: Aaliyah Cooper |
Calvin grew up in Philadelphia. As a child he didn't really experience any segregation or discrimination. In 2014, Calvin still believes that there is still some segregation and discrimination today. He believes that there is always going to be some segregation or discrimination but he will never give up on hope. He also believes that no matter how many years go by blacks will never be treated as an complete equal to a white person.
Aaliyah Cooper (AC): Mr.Cooper, What do you remember about the Civil Rights Movement?
Calvin Cooper (CC):Well what i remember about the Civil Rights movement at the time, It was a big step for the blacks at this time because the black was really being mistreated ,We didn't have no equal rights or anything and the movement started an, umm how would i say it started a whole new error for the black people for them to be able to be equal to the whites.
AC: Okay, and being so young, How did you cope with all the discrimination and segregation?
CC: Well basically during my time which was the 50s,i really didnt face a lot of discrimination because i wasn't born in the south, i always been a Philadelphia young man but i have heard about discrimination that the blacks were going through because my mother's people came from down south, Richman and North Carolina and stuff like that and she would tell me about the struggles and discrimination that they couldn't use the bathroom, they couldn't ride the bus ,it was a whole lot but i never really had to deal with any of it.
AC: Do you know of any other leaders that don't really get talked about, but made a difference?
CC: Only one that never really got talked about and i can't really say particle one person was a leader,but the Black Panthers, they had a lot to do with the black movement too,but they never really got notice because they were always thought of as a militant group,but they did a lot for the blacks
AC: How was it growing up back then?
CC: umm,like i said it was okay growing up back then because i never really faced,um racial problems like the people,the blacks down south. I'm a philadelphian man and i never really faced that discrimination like that.
AC: Between now and then what are some things you wished have changed and what are some things that you wish haven't changed?
CC: Well the only thing i wish that have changed that people say that we are equal to the white folks now but were not really we still have a long way to go, umm but the thing that i would say, that i wish would change, i wish that the black people of this generation get a better chance at making their self, Mix in with the corporate world so they can start, you know,their own umm their own generation
AC: Okay and do you feel like in some ways the community is still segregated today,and if so can you tell me why you feel that way?
CC:Yes i do,i feel as though its still segregated in some areas and even in,even in philadelphia its segregation here even though it's hidden well but yes its segregation still here, umm you won't see it because its not as dormit its not where you can see it but its there.
AC: Do you ever lose hope that things will get better?
CC: No i never lose hope on that, things always getting better we have a black president
AC: Did you wish for anything during the Civil Rights movement , like did you wish that certain things didn't happen or,certain people survived things like that?
CC: I wish that MLK did not get assassinated when he did because i believe if he was still here today,if he would have continued to live he would've made a great,great leader for the black race.