Threats on the rainforest
I've learned many things whilst studying this topic and I have to say It was very fun/insightful. Due to the fact that I was interested in said thing made it even more exciting finally getting to pitch in. I thoroughly enjoyed the Ecology Portion or unit was amazingly crazy cool. I left the unit with numerous amounts of knowledge in the topic. The only take away from this unit was the numerous amounts of reading all though I must admit "some" of it was necessary. One thing that really stuck with me was the dangerous dietary changes and how they effect not only humans but our Population, Community, and Ecosystem. I'am specifically talking about the "Food Matters" articles we had to read. Everything said in those passages I heavily related to because I thought about those touchy subjects the same way. I really enjoyed the multiple solutions presented to us as well as presenting our own in the little mini project. One question that'll stick with me is what will we do when the glaciers/Ice caps melt and the water level rises?