Alcohol PSA (Dexter, Lamier, Josh, and Me)

This video is a PSA about the effects of alcohol and alcoholism on the body and how this affects public health in our country. I wanted to choose this topic because of the widespread risk involved with alcohol and how this can affect people that are close to us. Alcohol is also a major influence of economics like tobacco, which is quite terrible.
I contributed some research, a small skit for the PSA video, and I edited everything together. I believe we researched quite thoroughly everything that is associated with alcohol and how it in turn affects public health. We could have prepared the PSA a bit better, with better visuals, but we were limited in our capabilities. I also believe we exceeded on our ability to interview two people for this project.
I believe the most meaningful part of the PSA is the message you can get from it and how not to let alcohol rule your life and your community.
