Benchmark Reflection

In our video, we created two stop motion videos, one for mitosis and one for meiosis. We showed the step by step by showing each of the phases for both processes which are mitosis and meiosis. In the beginning, we also explained the cell cycle using the process that we were given. We drew each of the components for the processes on paper and then color coordinated them to make sure you could tell which part of the cell was which. My part on the project consisted of taking the pictures in the stop motion app and doing the voiceovers for each of the clips. I also moved the pieces during the stop motion as the process was going on. One thing I did well was making sure that each part of each process was easily seen and made sense with everything else. One thing that I could have done differently was taking more time on the voiceovers to make sure that every part was explained in detail. The most meaningful part about this project was getting to see and create the process for mitosis and meiosis. It helped me better understand the cycles and it was nice to actually see the processes in motion and see how they each went through the given phases.
