Cell Phone Usage

This project was about cell phone usage/addiction and multitasking.

The goal of this project is to be more conscious of your own phone use as it relates to research around learning, brain function, and addiction.

Students in my grade use their phones way more than we think and I do now believe that teens are overly addicted to their phones, before I thought that us teens didn’t use our phones how parents exaggerated that we did now from this project I see we are addicted to our phones. A few tips I have to cut down on phone usage is:

  • Once in awhile just put your phone down and take in your surroundings.
  • At dinner put your electronics away and conversate with family.
  • Instead of always bringing your phone with you when you go out with friends, just leave it behind.

Click here to see the data. This data was collected by students doing a survey on their phone usage.
