Circuits Experiment By: Lamira Jeffreys & RaVaana Griggs


In this experiment we chose to light up a hat that wires are set up in parallel and series wires.  We chose a hat because its easy and its different and also if we would wanted to do something where you could also wear this designs. We both like creating things where you can interact with the object and is eye catching.You may ask what is art and we say art could be anything we can make it be. Even the littlest things that you may make or do is art whether you like it or not.

The process of this project was to figure out what object we wanted to make our circuit experiment on. The circuit experiment me and my partner decided to make a winter hat light up.The second, part was choosing what kind of lights we wanted to use. We chose to use lights with color to them to make our hat more interesting. The next, step to our process was to find out the resistance in each bulb. We used in total twelve different bulbs with many different resistances that were very hard to calculate at the time. The hardest part of the project was setting up our wires trying to find a way to make all twelve light light up. Which is not as easy as it seems it was actually harder than you think because the brightest we could get the lights could only be three in each series. After several days of thinking we finally made a way for the lights to light up we had to put our circuits in parallel and series.

We believe that our already known knowledge on something does change the we think or our understanding of it because we do get to learn more than we did before. Also, we get to compare our previous knowledge and see if what we may have been told was the right way or see if we may have missed something from before.

We chose to set up our circuit in parallel and and series because the lights would be at their brightest only with three in a series so we then decided in order for us to be able to add more lights we would have had to make the lights parallel to each other. So for us to do this we had to add each series by themselves using the correct formula. Then we had to take the sum of that and plug them into a parallel formula because they each were parallel to each other and got the sum of 4.45 . We expected this circuit to light up the hat and work so that it is physically able to be worn while lit.

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