How do the earth systems affect each other? The earth systems affect each other in various ways. They all impact each other to help each grow. For example, the atmosphere contains all the oxygen that the biosphere needs to breathe. The hydrosphere provides for the biosphere and the geosphere by giving drinking water and bringing water to plants and soil. How can an understanding of environmental science aid in handling natural disasters? Understanding environmental science can better inform us about the state of the environment and how we are impacting it and how we can ensure that we have a positive rather than a negative output on the environment. What efforts can we make to create a sustainable future? We can decrease our carbon footprint and cause less pollution. We can also try to limit greenhouse gasses around the world. People think that this issue will just go away but it won’t if we don’t do our jobs as humans. My reaction to this project is just that I feel intrigued because earthquakes really can happen anywhere so it made me want to pay close attention to when it happens, I'll be prepared.
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