Daniel - Earthquakes

How do the earth systems affect each other?

In an earthquake the geosphere effects every other sphere pretty negatively. Earthquakes are often quite destructive and powerful. Not only that but they are completely unpredictable and can be from huge to tiny in a matter of seconds only making them more and more dangerous. They are most definitely the most dangerous of the natural disasters.

How can an understanding of environmental science aid in handling natural disasters?

Even with the knowledge of how the spheres work theres nothing we can do to stop or predict an earthquake in any way. Their unpredictability and the fact that they show up at large scales whenever they want without warning only makes them even more dangerous. Most other natural disasters can be either prevented or can be protected against but earthquakes cannot be foreseen there for they cannot be prevented or protected against.

What efforts can we make to create a sustainable future?

We can make our buildings more stable in order to stop them from falling down when an Earthquake does happen but thats all we really can do. Once again their unpredictability and the strength of them alone put them at the top of the charts for most dangerous natural disaster.

My reactions to my findings and overall project

My findings definitely surprised me before I went in depth and researched the topic i believed that earthquakes werent that dangerous but after seeing the sheer damage they can do and once again their unpredictable essence i have now realized how truly dangerous and terrifying they are. As for the project I thought it was kind if fun it was interesting to research this topic

