Facts About Your Dreams

I decided to do this because everyone can relate. I am also VERY interested in dreams and meanings behind them. I wanted to do something i was interested in and i am genuinely very interested in dreaming. So are many people so i wanted to do something relate-able and i think in the end this was the perfect info-graphic for me. 
Source: http://www.lifehack.org/articles/productivity/20-amazing-facts-about-dreams-that-you-might-not-know-about.html

Comments (5)

Dior Seidle (Student 2018)
Dior Seidle

It's funny reading this post because like you said, it is just so interesting like you said. I never even realized until now that I kind of dreamed of an equal amount of people. I wonder if that's weird? Anyway, I think this is still unique because nobody else did thought of this.