Abdulomar Tucker Public Feed
Abdulomar Tucker, Charles Mccoy Nathan Lewis
Stress and The Human Anatomy
Ballet Dancer
Toxic City Infographic
Natural Disasters and Earth System Research
Quarter 4 final submission
From the Heart
The project I created was something similar to value line and text drawing. I ended up doing this because I wanted to do my own project , but I realized I could do what I wanted following this criteria. I drew multiple drawings on one page for a total of three days. Those drawings represented whatever I was feeling and what was on my mind. I then put them all together in a thought bubble. At first I was going to put in a heart , but I couldn’t get the shape right. I just wanted it to be great. I feel as though I accomplished that and when people see it, they will understand what runs through the adolescent mind/heart. Artist today doing something similar to this aswell. Ginna albeny is famous for this as well She even said,”I make art for a few reasons. In life, we experience so much fragmentation of thought and feeling. For me, creating art brings things back together. Our process in making our art and the amount of thought put into this work is equivalent. At first it took me forever to create something. It’s very hard to force myself to make art of what I am feeling. I don’t like forcing those sort of things so I’d try listening to music until I felt something. Other than that I would start by asking myself how my day was. I didnt’t even get inspiration from anyone. I usually do this alot so I decided I should do this so I can get stuff of my mind. This work reflected everything I was going through. The pressure of the outside world on my mind and how it effects me on a emotional level. The only way to really capture this is by really feeling the emotion. This is the most important technique. If not for the authentic feeling the drawing would be artificial. While doing some of the drawings I learned shading techniques. I think they helped bring alot of the drawings together. Overall, creating art based off of what I am going through was very interesting.I think it’s very creative and different.It’s also very complicated to do.
The Wolf Pack
Abdulomar Tucker
To begin, I created a linoleum cut wolf because that's my favorite animal and I wanted to make an animal. After deciding that I focused on my vision for the work. I wanted to make a wolf with a moon in the back. I think my work would communicate deep thinking and even appreciation for a wolf in it’s glory. With this, I will be able to really capture this wolf. This project relates to my other projects in which the ideas come rather spontaneously. The original strokes I put into my artwork is the same as well. After reviewing some contemporary art, I noticed that my artwork is very similar to Wolfgang Tillmans. Wolfgang and I tend to see beauty in the little things and things people would really overlook. Things that would be taken for granted and where others don’t see the light in something. His artwork is also spontaneous as it captures either current emotions or moments in life. When creating this project, I had looked at some wildlife pictures of Wolves. I just decided to add a moon behind it to make it more special. This project doesn’t reflect my own life;however, the wolf in a multiple ways reflect some things i instill in myself and what I see in the world. Like when chasing a goal , I imagine being as serious and making every move towards that goal as purposeful as a wolf hunting to feed the pack. I also like what the wolf represents such as integrity and bravery. I feel as though my work can influence people to take some valuable lessons from this and change a life. The most important technique is the specific knifes I would use to create certain cuts that would come out in the print. This technique is also new to me. I had fun experimenting with it.
All in all, Creating the wolf was a spontaneous idea which is similar to the style or creation process of Wolfgang Tillmans artwork. The wolf itself does have individual importance to me and I hope people can take something away from this
What's your future?
Abdulomar Tucker
Thu,Oct 20th,2016
Color Wheel Project
What’s your Future?
I created this project because I didn’t want to just make my project a little different. I didn’t just want to have a color wheel , so I started thinking of ways to incorporate the color wheel into a overall picture. I went from trying to use inspiration from a show to nothing. Until one day it hit me. Out of nowhere, I thought about using a fortune teller. This way I would be able to incorporate the color wheel in a cool way. Because of the cool incorporation with the fortune teller and the color wheel being multi-purposeful , I believe the audience will love it. I think they would commend me for my vision and creativeness.
Similar to my other works. I like to make my work creative, deep and making it something that you have to make the most out of it. Another reason, why it’s similar to my other works is if it were thrown into a pile of my other works it wouldn’t stick out in a negative .I think my work also compares to contemporary works in modern society because I took some 21st century influence. I also gave my work and message I constantly think about which I titled the painting. This fits in with history because it’s contemporary art. Making it fit in a unique category. I used pictures from this site to draw inspiration : "Love Fortune Telling." Love Fortune Telling. N.p., n.d. Web. 31 Oct. 2016. An artist that influences me is James Patterson. He fits into my work a lot because we give our work a realistic comic book feel. Our work looks like it could be in a comic book. A technique I find useful and mimic is the number of drafts he would make of one work. He would remake something as many as 9 times to really work it over. I never did this before learning about him. It makes the work look really clean.
La Poseía Española
The hardest part for me was creating the poem in general.It took me some time and lot's of thought.I had to dig deep.Overall I think I did really well with the project and it gave me a chance to express myself a little bit more.
Viajar Travel Project
Las Noticias
Group Member Roles:
Saraa: Anchor
Cashé: Fashion
Abdul Omar: Health Expert
Makyle: Anchor
Shaelin: Breaking News
City To Focus On:
New York, New York
Name of Channel:
Apple News on Channel 3
Big Apple,Big News.
Shaelin(Breaking News): El veintiuno años “do-gooder” straphanger conocido como “Jay” dio un escalofríos, sin camisa hombre su camisa y sombrero guardar el no identificado masculino como temperaturas acercado congelación en Manhattan en un Brooklyn-bound A tren.
Después de pasar tiempo con su novia, Lázaro Nolasco dijo que subió al tren en Washington Heights y observó la buena acción se desarrollan durante el largo tramo entre ciento veinte quinta y cincuenta y nueve calles las diez en punto de la tarde, Viernes.
"Fue sólo nosotros en el tren," dijo Nolasco , cuyo video del encuentro fue viral.
“El chico no tenía una camisa,” Él le dijo al Daily News. “Su cuerpo parecía enfermo.”
Veinte hombre -old -año observó al hombre quita la camisa y le dan al hombre necesitado . Temperaturas Manhattan acercaron a la congelación. Su generosidad lo dejó con solamente un tanque de músculo. La conversación entre los dos hombres es inaudible durante el video de casi dos minutos, pero Nolasco recordó que el buen samaritano preguntó si el hombre necesitaba una camisa.
"¿Quieres ir a un hospital?", preguntó otro.
El hombre dijo que “sí.”
“El hombre hizo una buena acción, así que quería grabar” Nolasco añadió. “Yo diría, ‘Dios te bendiga.’ Eso fue Pensativo.”
No está claro lo que pasó con los dos hombres cuando Nolasco se bajó del tren a los cuarenta Segundo st, pero los dos hombres se quedó atrás. Nolasco video recibió más de 5,8 millones de visitas en Facebook.
(Spanish): Gracias, Makayle y Saraa. El tiempo de la semana està muy frío. Lunes, la temperatura alta será cuarentiuno grados y la baja temperatura será treinta dos grados. Lunes será generalmente soleado y cero porcentaje de lluvia. Martes, la temperatura alta será cuarenta cinco grados y la baja temperatura será treinta uno grados. Martes será nublado por la mañana y soleado por la tarde y veinte porcentaje de lluvia. Miércoles, la temperatura alta será cuarenta uno grados y la baja temperatura será veintiséis grados. Miércoles será parcialmente nublado y diez porcentaje de lluvia. Jueves, la temperatura alta será treinta nueve grados y la baja temperatura será veintiocho grados. Jueves será parcialmente soleado y veinte porcentaje de lluvia. Viernes, la temperatura alta será treinta nueve grados y la baja temperatura será veintisiete grados. Viernes será nublado durante la mañana y soleado durante la tarde y veinte porcentaje de lluvia. Sabado, la temperatura alta será treinta ocho grados y la baja temperatura será treinta dos grados. Sabado será parcialmente nublado y cero porcentaje de lluvia. Domingo, la temperatura alta será cuarenta seis grados y la baja temperatura será treinta siete grados. Domingo será parcialmente nublado y veinte porcentaje de lluvia, así que ustedes tienen que llevar tu paraguas. Vuelve a ustedes, Saraa y Makayle.
Fechas | Temperatura (Alto/Corto) | Condicion de clima | Casualidad de lluvia | Viento | Humedad |
Lunes | cuarenta uno/ treinta dos | sobre todo soleado | cero por ciento | este-sur-estecinco millas por hora | sesenta cinco por ciento |
Martes | cuarenta cinco/treinta uno | AM nublado/ PM soleado | veinte por ciento | sur este diez millas por hora | setenta seis por ciento |
Miercoles | cuarenta uno/ veintiseis | en parte nublado | diez por ciento | este-sur-este nueve millas por hora | sesenta tres por ciento |
Jueves | treinta nueve/veintiocho | en parte soleado | veinte por ciento | este-sur-este diez millas por hora | sesenta ocho por ciento |
Vienes | treinta nueve/veintisiete | AM nublado/ PM soleado | veinte por ciento | este diez millas por hora | cincuenta nueve por ciento |
Sabados | treinta ocho/treinta dos | sobre todo nublado | cero por ciento | este once millas por hora | cincuenta dos por ciento |
Domingo | cuarenta seis/treinta siete | en parte nublado | veinte por ciento | sur-este diez millas por hora | sesenta siete por ciento |
Spanish Translation
Gracias Makyle y Saraa y feliz año nuevo a tú también.
feliz año nuevo y Buenos días Nueva York.
En nuestro segmento de salud de hoy, nosotros estamos centrándose en vida sana como un resolución nuevo como mantenerte saludable.Treinta y siete por ciento de americanos decidieron quedarse saludable su primer resolución para dos mil dieciséis, según una encuesta de Nielsen.
Normalmente esto sería un tiempo confuso, pero se puede adivinar otra vez. Tú puedes matar a cien calorías en sólo diez minutos, según a experto en física Jenna Wolfe, autor del próximo libro "más delgado en treinta: pequeños cambios que agregar a gran pérdida de peso en sólo treinta días. "Hacer cinco a siete rondas de veinte saltos, sentadillas veinte y veinte flexiones de (the) brazos. Podría hacer pendientes de tricep, sentadillas y hasta canillas del pie. Tú puedes poner pequeno retos como caminar una especifico cantidad de pasos. Cuando estés en tu paseo visita la tienda más cercana saludable em nueva york. Ayudando a Nueva York a quedarse saludable con una fruta a un momento.
Hay un gran variedad de alimentos que usted puede comprar de la tienda en-eh egri-gah cheh saludable con muchos efectos beneficiosos tales como plátanos, tomates, zanahorias, etc.. Plátanos son especialmente útiles para el corazón. Plátanos ayudan a proteger contra ataques del corazón y los huesos de SIDA.Tomate en la otro mano también es bien para tu pelo, riñón, y los ojos. Habla sobre un triple amenaza.
Eso es todo de hoy para el segmento saludable.
Cash’e(Fashion Segment): Gracias Makyle y Saraa. So this year we have some very pretty and expensive clothes but we always have stylish for less somewhere else. First we have some boots these have fur inside and cost $160.00. Now right next to it we have similar boots also with fur inside and only cost $60.00 these will surely still keep your feet nice and cozy .Next we scarves that have a unique purpose. They keep both your head and neck warm, however this scarf cost $75.00 and this only scarf only cost $15.00. Lastly we have some nice sweater to wear inside. Our first sweater as nice as it is cost $85.00 dollars while this one cost $40.00dollars. So all great styles and put all together it looks as such. ALways remember it can be cheap and estilo
Gracias Makyle y Saraa. Este/o año, nosotros tenemos algunos ropas muy bonitas y caras, pero nosotros tenemos siempre ropas elegantes para menos que detallias en otras partes. Primero, nosotros tenemos algunas botas con pelo adentro y cuestan ciento sesenta dolares. Ahora directo siguiente a la nostros tenemos parecerse a botas también con pelo dentro y solo costar sesenta dólar muy barata. Estas botas poder tú pies cómoda y tibia. Siguiente nosotros bufandas eso tiene un único propósito a cumplir ambos tú cabeza y cuello tibia , pero esta bufanda sólo costar setena cinco dólar y esta solo bufanda costar quince. Final nosotros tenemos bonita suéter to llevar puesto adentro. Nuestro primero suéter es muy bonita pero costar ochenta cinco dólar mientras esta un costar cuarenta dólar. Asi todos excelente estilo y poner todo juntos es mirar muy bonita y estilo. Siempre recordar es poder ser barato y estilo. De vuelta a Makyle y Saraa
¡Hola y bienvenido a las noticias del gran de manzana en el canal tres! Donde en la gran manzana, hay noticias gran. Me llamo Saraa Fadl.
Makyle: Y Yo soy Makyle Wyche, nosotros tenemos algunas especiales noticias para ustedes.
S:¿El clima está feo muy frío en este momento, correcto Makyle?
M: ¡Decididamente! Nuestro meteorólogo, Asmar tiene los detalles en el clima para la semana.
Ahora aquí está Asmar con el reportaje para la semana.
M:Gracias para el artículo! (You all have to) Ustedes tienen a abrigarse.
Saraa: Si! Ahora nosotros tenemos Abdul omar con algunos consejos de salud. Hola Abdul Omar!
M: Eso era Abdulomar con los consejos ese yo asi sera uso ¿Y tú Saraa?
S: Eso es definitivamente una de mi resoluciones del año nuevo.
M:¡Ahora a Cash E con moda de hoy. Feliz año nuevo a ti.
S:Gracias Cashe aquellas botas miren excelante. ¡Ahora aquí está Shaelin con la noticia de la última hora!
M:Eso fue Shaelin con la noticia de la última!
S:Eso es todo! Manténgase en sintonía para más las noticias del grande de manzana en el canal tres! Donde en la gran manzana, hay noticias grande.
S & M:
Gracias y que tienen un buen día.
Fashion Segment
Meteorologist Segment
College interview
Dia de los muertos
Abdulmar Tucker November 11, 2015
My Grandma
The person that passed was my beloved grandma Haja Baindu. She was born December 5, 1942 and passed away June 15, 2003. She meant the world to me. She took care of me from a very young age until I she died. She was a very moderate , friendly, multicultural , and really easy going woman .Her heart was big enough to fill a room . At a young age I recognized her as my 2nd mother and treated her as so . Even though her heart was big and was a caring person , she wasn’t to tolerate nonsense . She disciplined me and my other two cousins all the time . We gave her a huge headache . She didn’t really have a job , but she loved taking care of kids as if it were her passion . Some would say she was a personal babysitter . We shared a lot of things such as our favorite color and food .Not only was she like a mother to me , but she was an important pillar in the family . It was a grim day for non-family and family.
I chose to do the sugar skull on my grandma hadja because she is the one of the few people I was affected by when she died . When she died I was four and I remained calmed until they brought out the casket . Some would say I was in a state of shock . I convinced my brother to tell them to open the casket . Once I saw her body I began shouting , kicking and screaming for her . I even reached in to feel her cold , now lifeless hand . I gazed at her 5’3 , big boned body with dreary eyes . She was 80 when she died . They buried her body in her home town of sierra leone . After she died I didn’t look at death the same or take it serious . I lost lots of people in my life , but never would I cry . That was the last day I cried over anyone . When Ms.Moran brought up this project , she was the first person I thought of for this project . I decided I wanted to show my love and appreciation for her through this creative project .Dia de los muertos is a happy time after all.
My Sugar skull reflects my grandmother by incorporating things about her . I had made the rings around her eyes blue because that was her favorite color (mine too). That wasn’t the only purpose for the blue . It also represented one of the three sierra leonean colors ( blue, white , and green), which are all included . The colors on the flag mean green symbolizes agriculture , mountains , and natural resources , white represents unity and justice , and blue the sea and the natural harbor in Freetown . I added them because she was a little patriotic . I added the google eyes to show off her beautiful eyes . I added the brown to show her skin and how down to earth she was . Even Though she was down to earth and well rounded , she was able to dazzle up . She loved to dress me up all the time even if I wasn’t gonna go anywhere . I also added yellow to represent the color of the oil of our favorite african dish , potato leaf.
On the skull , I tried to paint a brown hijab to represent that she was a muslim and I painted a crescent and star to represent that she made haj . Haj is the pilgrimage to the kabba .
Día de los Muertos has opened my mind to the celebration of my loved ones , by showing me that there are greater things to do when a loved one passes then my own traditions .
Mi llamo es Abdulomar Tucker . Yo soy actualmente inscribirse en Academia de liderazgo de ciencia @Beeber escuela secundaria . Mi abuela es de Sierra Leona . Ellá entonces venir a vivir en waterford , new jersey a venir con mi tio Ali en diciembre diecisiete , 1985 . Ella era una persona a la tierra con una personalidad cariñosa , pero ella no tenía Mieda a la disciplina . Ella también amaba a leer y escribir Árabe . Mentalmente estoy en un estado donde estoy simplemente bien . Para tener exactos no tengo miedo de la muerte ni hacer verlo como un gran problema . Cuando la gente muere ahora y todo el mundo está llorando que sólo no faze me . Yo no incluso como a tener alrededor . Corazón que no la vista , corazón que no siente.En general, creo que esto me hizo pensar si no estoy conectado a mis sentimientos en general. Este proyecto me hizo quieres aprender más sobre mi abuela. Fui deseo saber más. Tal vez fui acostumbrará a compartir mis sentimientos y me ayudará a ser una persona más saludable.
Conversational Power point
Humans of SLA Beeber :Brandon
A:Where do you see yourself in 10 years? 20 years?
B:In 10 years i see myself leaving the air force then in 20 years i see myself with a family of my own.
A:What are you proudest of in your life?
BI am the most proudest of just making it through school.
What was the proudest moment of your life?
The proudest moment will be crossing the line at Broad Street
A: Yeah I can’t wait either
B:It’s gonna be great
A:Describe your perfect day?
B:Just chilling with friends and having fun.
A:The little moments seem to bring the most joy.
A:What was the happiest moment of your life?
B:The happiest moment in my life was when i first meet my dad as a little boy.
A: Okay.Thanks for the interview bro.
Humans of SLA Beeber : Mr.B
Hello Mr.B.How are you?
-I am good.Alive so I can’t complain.
Okay thats good, Do you mind if I begin the interview?
-It’s good
Do you have any regrets in life? Why or Why not?
-I don't regret anything in life.
What is the happiest moment of your life whether academic or social?
-Graduation from High School.I felt accomplished and full of energy.
Describe your life in one word.Why did you choose that word?
-Resilient. No matter what I have been able to rebound and grit through it.
How was life growing up in your home town?
-In upper darby.We got along there.We were a close nit family.Ton’s of love was shared.
What has to be the most life changing moment in your life.
-First experience into college.Becoming an english teacher.I had the idea of necoming one in the back of my head.I just wanted to test the ater s a bit.Just to see how it was.Then I finnally was hit with the idea of becoming an english teacher.
What is one lesson or quote that you have really instilled in yourself and why?
-You can’t go around life being angry.If you are angry towards someone than they control you.You should learn to let things go.If you don’t it'll eat at you.Being angry at them just allows them to have more power over you.
Where do you see yourself in 5 to 10 years?
-Hopefully, I am teaching.I love teaching.So I hope I am given the chance to teach in the future.I also hope I am the best I can be at it.
What is one childhood dream you always wanted to accomplish?Do you have one? Why or Why not.Do you see your self achieving this?
-I wish I could be a great musician.I think so and I am making good progress.I have performed at a highly decorated school.It was awesome.
Thank you for your time