Humans of SLA Beeber: Alyssa
- Question: If you could go any where in the world where would it be, and why?
- Answer: I would want to to Italy because a lot of my family is from there so I would love to go visit it and see it with my other cousins Nina and Julia and I just think it would be a really nice place to see.
- Question: What is one of your earliest memory?
- Answer: I have a lot of early memories such as one of the walking by the tv and seeing Hamtaro on. I remember things like when my brother was born and playing i spy with my grandmum.
- Question: What was one of the happiest moments of you life?
- One of the happiest moments... so I really I cant really pick one happiest moment but I really enjoy you know when I have a good time with my friends. I also really liked getting my cat because I had to do so much research and stuff to prove to my parents that I was responsible enough to have a cat. So when we finally got her which was a surprise and I was just so happy about that.
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