Humans of SLA Beeber: Wayne

  1. Q: What's the most regrettable thing you've ever done?

A. "Most regrettable thing I've ever done was going to Overbrook High School because my behavior wasn't that good, that's the most regrettable thing I've ever did.

2. Q: What do you care about? Why do you care about it?

A. "I care about it (Going to Overbrook High School) because I went to a bad school and the people are crazy over there, and I was thinking that I need to leave, and then Mr. Johnson came and got me, and my situation got better.

3. Q: What is one thing that has changed your life the most?

A. SLA. SLA changed my life man, because I went to Northeast, and I went to my old hood, but SLA changed me, so yeah, I'll say that SLA changed my life the most."
