Jannatul ferdous Capstone

The reason I chose the title “voicing” for my capstone is that, to me, it means to be heard, and I believe that students in this generation need to be heard. For this effort, I canvassed the neighborhood to assist as many children as I could in feeling more cherished and at ease around people they believe they can trust. For this initiative, I visited libraries, schools, and YMCAs to interact with children and assist them with projects or assignments they were working on or simply to spend time with them if they were feeling lonely. I became friends with youngsters I hardly knew because of this project. Because many children in this generation either had both parents absent or had just one, it taught me that being vulnerable and paying close attention to children will make them feel more at ease. Having parents is important because they will help you get through difficult times that you might not be able to handle on your own. In order to make them feel comfortable and to support them, my goal was to assist children who might not feel as at ease talking to their parents or who might not have anyone to talk to. I did this by offering them advice on personal matters as well as on life, school, and activities outside of the classroom.

